
Yoga for menopause

In the West we largely ignore the importance of menopause within our reproductive journey, but in many cultures it is revered as a significant and important time of change.

With people living longer, this significant and hugely life altering phase can often last half a lifetime. Yet it’s something that healthcare funding and public focus really neglects, often as with many things involving women’s health making it laughable or taboo as a topic. 

With the shift in the delicate balance of hormones, as we move from the fertile period to this new phase in our lives, there are specific changes that happen in our physical and emotional selves that yoga can provide a hugely supportive tool to help navigate. Understanding these incredible changes and finding ways to support yourself in the process, is what we focus on in the yoga for menopause classes.

Changes can affect each woman in a different way and contrary to popular belief can often taken many years to resolve. You may be experiencing any or all of the following common symptoms (and more)

  • Change in mood – Anger/irritability/depression
  • Hot flushes
  • Insomnia
  • Hair thinning
  • Skin and vaginal dryness
  • Brain fog
  • Change in libido
  • Urinary symptoms
  • Change in digestive symptoms

This list of symptoms is extensive and there are many more we could add. In supporting your menopause journey, it’s important to take an individualised and holistic approach, depending on what areas are of your life are most affected. Yoga can be an incredibly beneficial adjunct to other lifestyle and medical interventions to support you through this important and significant life change.

Private Classes

Private classes can be a fantastic way to cultivate your yoga practice wherever you are in your reproductive journey. We can look at your specific requirements, curating the type and balance of class that works for you. 

Working in this way can often help further your own practice in a way that group or pre-recorded classes may not and mean you benefit from more focused modifications and guided mindfulness based exercises to suit your individual needs. 

If you want to practice with me privately there are a couple of ways you can do this. The global pandemic has changed the way we interact for now and the accessibility of online video conferencing software means we are able to connect in ways we have never done before from the comfort of our own homes. Classes can be in person (government guidelines permitting) or over Zoom. 

Please contact me directly to discuss your needs further.