
Yoga for Fertility

Fertility can be hugely emotive topic for many and the path to conception can be one that can be fraught with challenges and feelings of failure. We are not here to exploit those feelings of vulnerability. If you have been struggling with unexplained fertility, it’s tempting to believe those peddling a magic bullet. We do however passionately believe that as part of other lifestyle changes, yoga can be an incredibly powerful tool in supporting your journey.

As women, the delicate rhythm of hormone cycles our bodies follow each month is quite incredible. Understanding the cyclical patterns our bodies go through is something that as a society we don’t place much importance on, until we are struggling. There’s an increasing understanding that environmental factors play a significant role in disrupting this delicate balance, with conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and unexplained fertility, showing improvements when a holistic approach is adopted.

Just as what we put in or on our body can affect our chances of conception and our general reproductive health, so can the messages we give it through movement, breath and mindfulness. In connecting to what our bodies need from us in each phase of the cycle, balancing nurturing and supportive practices with energising sequences to cultivate heat when it’s needed, we can help support the body’s natural homeostatic processes.

Combining medical knowledge as a gynaecology doctor and additional training in yoga for women’s health, Leah offers a completely unique and holistic skillset.

Private Classes

Private classes can be a fantastic way to cultivate your yoga practice wherever you are in your reproductive journey. We can look at your specific requirements, curating the type and balance of class that works for you. 

Working in this way can often help further your own practice in a way that group or pre-recorded classes may not and mean you benefit from more focused modifications and guided mindfulness based exercises to suit your individual needs. 

If you want to practice with me privately there are a couple of ways you can do this. The global pandemic has changed the way we interact for now and the accessibility of online video conferencing software means we are able to connect in ways we have never done before from the comfort of our own homes. Classes can be in person (government guidelines permitting) or over Zoom. 

Please contact me directly to discuss your needs further.