
Prenatal Yoga

Our bodies change hugely when we are growing another human being and this can mean that our usual yoga practice, may just not feel as good. Perhaps you’ve never practiced yoga before but have heard of the benefits that it brings in pregnancy and you want to give it a go. Either way, we’ve got you covered. 

Many yoga teachers will not allow you to join their class until after your 12 week dating scan and we haven’t really questioned this doctrine for many decades. The premise is based around the fact that sadly miscarriage is more common within the first trimester, with 25% of women going through pregnancy loss. However, it’s more the potential association women may make with yoga having caused this than any proven causal link. The evidence however is conclusive, exercise does not increase your risk of miscarriage. 

You may decide you don’t want to practice yoga within the first trimester due to feelings of nausea or tiredness, or that you’d feel more reassured to wait for your first scan before starting. These are completely valid feelings and it’s important to listen and respect what your body needs, but if you are well and wish to, you are more than welcome to practice and know that all of my classes are suitable and safe.


Yoga throughout the second and third trimester can be hugely a supportive tool and I’ve written several articles on it’s benefit (checkout my blog and the resource hub). In brief, here are just some of the evidence-based benefits yoga in pregnancy can offer:

Reduction in the risk of pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes and high blood pressure)

Improved psychological wellbeing and reduced stress scores

Support in alleviating common aches and pains (e.g. Pelvic girdle pain, sciatica)

Shortened length of labour

Lower reported pain scores

Ultimately staying more mobile throughout your pregnancy and cultivating a connection with your body and baby, will carry you through your pregnancy and beyond.

For more ways to practice with me click here.

Private Classes

Private classes can be a fantastic way to cultivate your yoga practice wherever you are in your reproductive journey. We can look at your specific requirements, curating the type and balance of class that works for you. 

Working in this way can often help further your own practice in a way that group or pre-recorded classes may not and mean you benefit from more focused modifications and guided mindfulness based exercises to suit your individual needs. 

If you want to practice with me privately there are a couple of ways you can do this. The global pandemic has changed the way we interact for now and the accessibility of online video conferencing software means we are able to connect in ways we have never done before from the comfort of our own homes. Classes can be in person (government guidelines permitting) or over Zoom. 

Please contact me directly to discuss your needs further.